We help fast-moving innovators scale with purpose.

What can we help you Achieve ?

We All Need Help to Realize What We Want Most.

Definirea unei strategii eficiente de sustenabilitate este noua cheie a succesului corporativ, dar îndeplinirea promisiunii sale prezintă provocări clare.


Într-o lume în schimbare rapidă, avem un impact pe termen lung, rămânând concentrați pe scopul nostru de a crea o lume mai bună a muncii pentru toată lumea.



To survive and thrive in today’s business climate you don’t just need to adapt: you need adapt quickly and effectively.  Advance your industrials digital roadmap with a better software acquisition strategy.


With bold steps forward with proven methodologies and outside-in benchmarks to evaluate and create the best options.

Pasiunea noastră este dezvoltarea managementului extrem de adaptabil pentru a gestiona procese administrative complexe de afaceri. Nu ne limităm la un anumit sector. Managementul Velomed este folosit în mass-media, asistență medicală și logistică, dar este utilizat pe scară largă în imobiliare și finanțe. Vă rugăm să nu ezitați să ne contactați despre beneficiile pe care managementul Velomed le poate avea în industria dumneavoastră specifică!










Consumer Products


Financial Services




Machinery & Equipment

Our ongoing Projects

Discover and become part of our ongoing project

The RoMold INVENT platform is the creative environment that ensures the standards of competence and quality necessary for the solutions required by the market and effectiveness in a competitive market with a global vision.

An ever-expanding international community involved in engineering and research, which will strengthen its own portfolio through the innovative projects and advanced technologies it tackles, individually or in groups, with global applications.

Unity makes a difference!

Education driven platform in technical, artistic and media domains

E-learning Platform are Bringing Concept-Driven Learning to the Center Stage. The #1 platform to create and sell courses online from your own home. Easy way to have hundreds of student with your online courses and start selling in minutes.

Electric Vehicle Charging Systems by Aspower

In the renewable energy, defense, transportation and aerospace sectors; We are a technology development company that is able to develop and produce according to international standards with our competent and experienced R&D engineers, production staff, project and management teams.

On Line Uninterruptible Power Supply by Aspower

ASPOWER Enerji ve Elektronik San. Tic. A.Ş is an Engineering and R & D company founded with the aim of using its 30+ years experience in power electronics area to create strategic Technologies using in different fields of Industry, Military, Medical, Reewable Energy, Automative etc.

Trade offer

of VELOMED S.R.L. Romania

We are a consulting company focused on promoting innovativity, with global trade, procurement and supply links. We facilitate the marketing of a wide range of goods on agricultural markets, fertilizers and energy and we have strong partnerships with top suppliers in the world. In addition to knowing the trade in goods, we are a multidisciplinary professional company of supply and purchasing that offers complete commercial solutions for our customers around the world. Our team and our experienced professional partners personalize the solutions to support the specific needs of our customers, allowing them to purchase products and goods that best match their activity cycle.